Other Distance Courses

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Akashic Records Flush Empowerment, by Tracey Loper $25.00

The Akashic Records Flush Empowerment is designed to clear the Akashic...

Angel Lightworker Program, by Linda Colibert $20.00

This program connects you to the angels you need to call on that will help...

Angelic Expressions, by Nicole Lanning $35.00

Channeled by Nicole K. Lanning, Angelic Expressions TM is a new form of...

Animal Angels Reiki, by Linda Colibert $19.95

Animal Angels Reiki connects you to the higher energies of those animals...

Ascension & Manifestation Lightwork Program From Linda Colibert $30.00

The purpose of Ascension & Manifestation LightWork Program is to help...

Brighid’s Flame Reiki, by Joanna Mullane $18.00

By Joanna Mullane, the founder of this system:”I cannot express how...

Crystal Children’s Light Empowerment, by Nicole Lanning $25.00

This is the 2nd series in a trilogy with Indigo Children’s Light being...

Crystal Faery Shield Empowerment, by Joanna Mullane $20.00

Founder Joanna Mullane writes: As we truly start to embark upon our life...