Other Distance Courses

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Fire of the Phoenix Reiki, by Linda Colibert $21.95

The Fire of the Phoenix Reiki connects you to the energies of the...

Green Trilogy, by Linda Colibert (Greenman, Green Fairy, and Power of the Green) $39.95

Green Trilogy brings you healing, magick and joy. It attunes you to three...

Healing the Conflict Within Reiki, by Linda Colibert $19.95

The attunement to healing the conflict within connects you to your guides,...

Healing The Inner Child Reiki, by Linda Colibert $19.95

Healing the Inner Child Reiki connects you to spirit and your inner child...

Higher Heart Clearing and Activation, by Tracey Loper $24.65

The High Heart Chakra Activation System will return us to the feeling of...

Higher Self Journey Activation Program by Tracey Loper $35.00

The Higher Self Journey Activation Program by Tracey Loper has seven...

Imara Reiki, by Kristin Dietz $25.00

Imara Reiki is a Reiki modality of a higher vibrational energy level than...

Indigo Children’s Light Empowerment, by Nicole Lanning $25.00

This is the first system in this trilogy of empowerment systems by...