Other Distance Courses

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Journey To The Divine Self Activations, by Tracey Loper $50.00

Journey to the Divine Self Activations and Clearings Program includes ten...

Karmic Relationships Clearing Reiki, by Tracey Loper $25.00

The Violet Transmuting Flame of Zadkiel, Archangel of Ascension, Mercy and...

Ki Manna, by Kristin Dietz $19.95

This attunement is available to Reiki Masters only. By the time you have...

Magickal Crystal LightWorker Program, by Linda Colibert $30.00

The Magickal Crystal LightWork Program will connect you to the basic...

Magickal Shaman Lightworker by Linda Colibert $30.00

The Magickal Shaman course has 3 levels and 3...

Money Reiki, all three levels, by Stephanie Brail $30.00

Money Reiki is a system of Reiki that is here to help you and the planet...

Open The Path to Mediumship, by Linda Colibert $50.00

Open the Path to Mediumship Reiki connects you to the higher realms....

Psychic Gifts Flush, by Tracey Loper $25.00

This healing modality will help to bring in, awaken, enhance, empower and...