The Fairy LightWorker Program will connect you to all Fairies if you wish to call on them for assistance. However, this Reiki System strengthens and connects you to specific Fairies so that you will be able to call on them easily for assistance with healing, abundance, magick, guidance, protection, fertility, transformation, transition, strength, love, happiness, and beauty and strengthens and enhances your abilities to connect and work with the Fairies and their energies. You will learn about the following Fairies, and ways to work with them, and which Fairies to call on for assistance in specific areas of need: Greenman, Dryad,
Woodland Nymph, Gnomes, Sylph, Star Fairy, Stone Fairy, Pixie, Ice Fairy, Water Sprite, River Queen Coventina.
There are 11 attunements for the Fairy LightWorker Program, one for each of the above-mentioned Fairies.
You will receive the 36-page manual.