The Akashic Records Flush Empowerment is designed to clear the Akashic Records where and when one’s soul’s suffering originated so that one is not restricted on a karmic and energetic level. This will relieve endless and needless suffering so that one can be free in the here and now. Accumulated Energetic restrictions from past lives through traumatic negative life experiences, negative attachments or negative karma that the Soul has in its record will be cleared so that the corporeal, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies are no longer plagued with negative programs of suffering, restriction and or disease.
Benefits of Akashic Records Flush Empowerment:
A manifestation of one’s heart’s desires, Riddance of past influences, Freedom from problematic thinking, Enhanced Spiritual GiftsHealing of Influences from past lives and or karmic influences, Removal of Psychic Contaminants or influences, Greater Sense of Oneness with Source, Improved VitalityHigher Vibrations and More.