The Divine Inheritance flush is given to us by Spirit to help raise our vibrational levels so that we can attract what we truly desire in life and what is ours by divine right. It will reawaken our Divine Inheritance and Empowerment. The energy will give us the keys to healing, the realization of purpose and the manifestation of our most heartfelt dreams.
The energy will tap into the Soul to help us achieve and direct our purposes and passions in life. Energetic blocks and imbalances which block us from attracting an creating what we want in our lives will be removed so that we can let go of fears, negative and false belief patterns and emotions, both conscious and unconscious. We will get in touch with our life purposes so that we can lead the most fulfilling, rewarding and blissful life path imaginable. Anything that serves to impede our ability to see our divine potential, purpose and passion will be cleared away. New pathways to our Divine Inheritance will be opened.