The rainbow sequence healing technique compliments other energy healing modalities very well, though is a system complete unto itself and may be used alone. By working with the different colored facets of (white) universal light, energy healing can be directed along the most effective lines by application of the appropriate colored energy.
The rainbow sequence is used for chakra balancing and cleansing the energy centers in order that the flow of universal life force energy into and around the person is increased. Through regular work with the rainbow sequence, the basal vibratory level of the person’s energy body is naturally raised, and when our energy frequency is elevated, so is our level of consciousness.
The 24 page manual includes the following: the rainbow sequence healing technique, a message from the Lemurian Goddess Amara, information about ascension and the Lemurians, information about universal, light and force energy, the chakra system and correspondences, kundalini awakening, rainbow sequence treatments for healing work, using a pendulum for chakra balancing work, rainbow sequence self, treatments, attunements and grounding.