
You will receive a download link for the manual you’re ordering and a distant attunement via the chi ball method and a certificate upon request.

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Gratitude Medicine Mandala, by Joanna Mullane $14.99

These beautiful Medicine Mandala empowerments act as activations for your...

Grounding Flush Empowerment, by Jay Burrell $14.99

For some people grounding can be very challenging, especially if you are...

Healing Elements Lightwork, by Linda Colibert $14.99

Each of the four Elements of Nature have tremendous healing power that...

Healing Flush Empowerments 3 and 4 (emotional), by Stephanie Brail $14.99

The healing flushes for emotional problems are the second group in a...

Healing Flush Empowerments 5 and 6 (spiritual), by Stephanie Brail $14.99

The healing flushes for spiritual integration are the third group in a...

Healing Flushes 1 and 2 (physical), by Stephanie Brail $14.99

The healing flushes for physical problems work to improve physical health,...

Healing Medicine Mandala Empowerment, by Joanna Mullane $14.99

These beautiful Medicine Mandala empowerments act as activations for your...

Joy Medicine Mandala Empowerment, by Joanna Mullane $14.99

These beautiful Medicine Mandala empowerments act as activations for your...