Other Distance Courses

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Rainbow Sequence Healing, by Anna May $50.00

The rainbow sequence healing technique compliments other energy healing...

Shamanic Soul Retrieval, by Linda Colibert $19.95

Shamanic Soul Retrieval Reiki connects you to Spirit and your higher...

Solar Goddess Radiance by Rev. Anna May $50.00

This manual details the various aspects of Solar Energy and gives...

Spirit Guide Journey Activation Program by Tracey Loper $35.00

The Spirit Guide Activation Program has seven activations to aid you in...

Spiritual Animal Healer, By Linda Colibert $50.00

The Spiritual Animal Healer Program is an intense animal healing program...

The Rainbow Orb Empowerment, by Jay Burrell $19.95

This is a 30-page manual written by Jay Burrell.  It is a good system to...

Weight Loss Healing Flush Empowerment by Tracey Loper $25.00

The Weight Loss Healing Flush Empowerment is given to us by Spirit to...