
You will receive a download link for the manual you’re ordering and a distant attunement via the chi ball method and a certificate upon request.

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Abundance and Success Empowerment by Linda Colibert $14.99

The Abundance and Success Empowerment Reiki attunement connects you to the...

Abundance Flush 1 and 2, by Stephanie Brail $14.99

The purpose of the abundance flush is to clear out negative thought forms...

Abundance Flush Empowerments 5 and 6, by Stephanie Brail $14.99

These flushes can stand on their own (meaning, you do not need to be...

Abundance Medicine Mandala Empowerment, by Joanna Mullane $14.99

These beautiful Medicine Mandala empowerments act as activations for your...

Acceptance Flush, by Jay Burrell $14.99

Learn to love yourself just as you...

Advanced Healing Lightwork by Linda Colibert $14.99

Advanced Healing Lightwork connects you to Infinite Intelligence...

Akashic Records Attunement, by Wing Therapies $14.99

The Akashic Records is a repository of all human experience: a complete...

Amethyst Fairy Orb, By Nicole Lanning $14.99

The fairies have a huge abundance of knowledge and wealth and healing that...