
You will receive a download link for the manual you’re ordering and a distant attunement via the chi ball method and a certificate upon request.

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Ancient Egyptian Energies, by Catherine Hand $14.99

If you are interested in Ancient Egypt and its wisdom and teachings, you...

Angel Light Initiation, by Alaya $14.99

The Initiation includes a preparation exercise, a simple Invocation method...

Angel Medicine Mandala Empowerment by Joanna Mullane $14.99

Medicine Mandala empowerments act as activations for your physical,...

Angelic Aqua Aura Essence Energy, by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman $14.99

Metaphysically Agua Aura has the qualities of both quartz and gold.  Gold...

Angelic Lapis Lazuli Essence Energy, by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman $14.99

The stone works as a shield from psychic...

Angelic Malachite Essence Energy, By Gabriela Yasmin Szafman $14.99

It allows us to touch our child within and to be reborn into the light. ...

Angelic Sugilite Essence Energy, by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman $14.99

Sugilite is associated with working with Archangel...

Angelic Turquoise Essence Energy, by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman $14.99

Turquoise is associated with working with Archangel...