
You will receive a download link for the manual you’re ordering and a distant attunement via the chi ball method and a certificate upon request.

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Nature Medicine Mandala Empowerment by Joanna Mullane $14.99

These beautiful Medicine Mandala empowerments act as activations for your...

Phenacite Crystal Empowerment, by Jay Burrell $14.99

This is the second of a trilogy by Jay Burrell with the newest system not...

Phoenix Light Reiki, by Linda Colibert $14.99

The Phoenix is a bird of power, light, fire, and...

Portal Reiki Healing and Empowerment by Linda Colibert $14.99

Portal Reiki Healing & Empowerment works to heal body, mind, and...

Prosperity Manifestation by Linda Colibert $14.99

Prosperity Manifestation connects you to your inner Being, your higher...

Psychic Messages Reiki by Linda Colibert $14.99

Psychic Messages Reiki connects you quickly to higher light source energy...

Psychic Orb Empowerment, by Jay Burrell $14.99

This system is a brand new energy system that has been channelled by Jay...

Rainbow Essence Healing Empowerment, by Suzanne Dann $14.99

Learn to heal with Rainbow Light, and the essence of Rainbow...