
You will receive a download link for the manual you’re ordering and a distant attunement via the chi ball method and a certificate upon request.

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Recovery Reiki by Linda Colibert $14.99

Recovery Reiki connects to the unlimited healing energies of the...

Rejuvenation and Regeneration Reiki, by Linda Colibert $14.99

Rejuvenation Regeneration Reiki connects you to the Source Energy...

Releasing Shame Reiki, by Linda Colibert $14.99

This system goes right to the heart of emotions that cause you to...

Releasing Toxic People, Places, And Things Reiki, by Linda Colibert $14.99

Many people believe that the way to deal with toxic people, places,...

Sacred Indigo Ray Attunement by Brenda Hanlon $14.99

The Indigo Phenomenon is the next step in our evolution as a human...

Spiritual Animal Ascension Reiki, by Linda Colibert $14.99

This system connects you to Spirit, strengthens your abilities in animmal...

Stellar Atom Crystal Empowerment (psychic abilities), by Jay Burrell $14.99

This system is a new modality that has been been channeled by Jay Burrell...

The Karmic Flush Empowerment, by Jay Burrell $14.99

A lot of low self acceptance and low self esteem issues with people can...