
You will receive a download link for the manual you’re ordering and a distant attunement via the chi ball method and a certificate upon request.

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Atlantean Crystal Activation, by Jay Burrell $14.99

The atlantean crystal activation is more of a spiritual and personal...

Atlantean Crystal Angels, by Heidi Gebhard-Burger $14.99

Crystals were the heart and the soul of...

Aura Flush, by Nicole Lanning $14.99

The aura flush is a very simple method to clear out stuck energy from the...

Break Free Deep Clearing Reiki, by Linda Colibert $14.99

The break free deep clearing Reiki, by Linda Colibert, is a system that...

Ceremonial White Magic, Founder Catherine Hand $14.99

Ceremonial White Magic is purely a manifesting tool to better our selves,...

Chakra Balancing Mudra Empowerment by Jean Myrner $14.99

Chakra balancing can be done using mantras and mudras with intent. Simply...

Chakra Flush, by Stephanie Brail $14.99

The chakra flush empowerment is a very simple method to clear out stuck...

Clearing Shadow Path Empowerments by Linda Colibert $14.99

Clearing Shadow Paths Empowerment works to help clear out all of...